December 13, 2021The Issue Somewhat overshadowed by the larger focus on congested ports, the intermodal chassis shortage has had a big impact on supply chain disruptions. Why has there been a chassis shortage and when will the problem be alleviated? What Are Intermodal Chassis? Intermodal chassis are trailers or frames used to move product between modes of transportation, such as …
New Policy Intended to Reduce Port Congestion
October 28, 2021A shortage in shipping containers has driven up the cost of global shipments. A recent policy implemented by the the two San Pedro Bay Ports (Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles) is intended to drastically reduce congestion. Theoretically this will propel containers to reach final destination sooner, where they can be unloaded quicker, thereby freeing up containers …
Global Supply Chain Disruptions Continue
Can a 3PL Partner Help?August 24, 2021The global supply chain will continue to take hits for the foreseeable future. Whether you receive product directly from non-domestic manufacturers; use a 3PL to handle product transportation; receive goods from distributors or retailers that import them from other countries; or receive goods manufactured in the US from raw materials that are imported, you’ll …