ASW Corporate Responsibility

As an integral member of the end-to-end supply chain community, we strive to adapt to the interconnected network of our communities, contribute to the overall health of our environment and employees, and support programs that cultivate the leadership potential and quality of life skills of our underprivileged youth.

ASW Corporate Responsibility

As an integral member of the end-to-end supply chain community, we strive to adapt to the interconnected network of our communities, contribute to the overall health of our environment and employees, and support programs that cultivate the leadership potential and quality of life skills of our underprivileged youth.

Our four pillars of social responsibility

  • Business Values – our ethical standards
  • Diversity – our commitment to developing a diverse workforce and vendor base
  • Environment – our responsibility in reducing the carbon footprint
  • Community – our volunteer, civic responsibilities, mentorship and in-kind contributions
  • We Manage - Wecan assist you every step of the way - product selection, ordering, shipping, delivery, warehousing, tracking & accounting.

  • We Host - A point-of-difference is our ability to develop ecommerce platforms that are compatible with our clients’ procurement systems, allowing for flexible and rapid responses to the changing needs of our clients.

  • We Care - Our dedicated sales and creative teams work with our clients from conceptualization to the final deliverable good.

ASW's position on supply chain sustainability

Our sustainability mission is to assist our customers in achieving their economic, environment and social responsibility goals. Together with our employees, clients, and vendors we work to reduce the carbon footprint and minimize the environmental impact on today's community and future generations. Read our Commitment to Sustainability.
  • Duty Exemption
  • Duty Deferral
  • Duty Reduction or Inverted Tariff
  • Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF) Reduction
  • Reduced Insurance Premiums
  • Streamlined Logistics
  • Quota Avoidance
  • Zone-to-Zone Transfers
  • Applying lean principles to reduce cost and waste
  • Using technology to promote a paperless environment
  • Utilizing electric powered lift trucks throughout all facilities
  • Working with clients to implement collaborative distribution solutions to reduce the carbon footprint
  • Serving the community through philanthropy and volunteerism with area non-profit organizations
  • Conducting network optimization to reduce waste
  • Designing custom recycling/recovery solutions for clients
  • Installation of energy-efficient internal and external lighting
  • Managing safety and health initiative programs to keep employees healthy, happy and productive
  • Holding food, clothing, and other drives for employees to donate to local charities