December 13, 2021The Issue Somewhat overshadowed by the larger focus on congested ports, the intermodal chassis shortage has had a big impact on supply chain disruptions. Why has there been a chassis shortage and when will the problem be alleviated? What Are Intermodal Chassis? Intermodal chassis are trailers or frames used to move product between modes of transportation, such as …
ASW Attends 2021 IWLA Convention
November 2, 2021 ASW representatives attended the 2021 IWLA Convention in San Antonio, Texas. The Convention focused on several key topics for the warehousing & logistics industries, including real estate issues, succession plans, and hiring. At the Convention, ASW CEO André Thornton received the IWLA Jock Menzies Distinguished Service & Leadership Award. Also in attendance at the Convention: Jonathan Thornton, …
New Policy Intended to Reduce Port Congestion
October 28, 2021A shortage in shipping containers has driven up the cost of global shipments. A recent policy implemented by the the two San Pedro Bay Ports (Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles) is intended to drastically reduce congestion. Theoretically this will propel containers to reach final destination sooner, where they can be unloaded quicker, thereby freeing up containers …
Do You Have a Transactional Relationship or Relational Partnership with Your 3PL?
September 24, 2021 Would you describe your relationships with the 3PLs you utilize as merely transactional relationships or as relational partnerships? That is, are you mostly dictating to them what you want done on a case by case basis, or are you working with them collaboratively to devise solutions that will bring you the most benefit over the long run? …
3 ASW Associates Attend IWLA Events
September 21, 2021 Earlier this month, ASW associates participated in three in-person IWLA events, which each took place in Atlanta. VP of Sales Matt Maglicic attended the IWLA Fulfillment Forum, which was a new event for the Association. Jonathan Thornton, Director of Quality & Compliance, attended the IWLA Safety & Risk Conference. Finally, our IT Network and Systems Administrator, Eric …
Global Supply Chain Disruptions Continue
Can a 3PL Partner Help?August 24, 2021The global supply chain will continue to take hits for the foreseeable future. Whether you receive product directly from non-domestic manufacturers; use a 3PL to handle product transportation; receive goods from distributors or retailers that import them from other countries; or receive goods manufactured in the US from raw materials that are imported, you’ll …
Addressing Gender & Racial Underrepresentation in the Supply Chain Workforce
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay More supply chain companies are focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in regards to gender and race than ever before, but smaller companies in the sector are much less likely to identify this as a focus. When looking at representation among the workforce, small businesses in the sector again tend to lag behind …
Industrial Engineer / Quality & Compliance Position
March 5, 2021ASW is pleased to announce we are accepting applications for the Industrial Engineer / Quality & Compliance position. This is a full-time position. The ideal candidate should have a minimum of 4 years of demonstrated experience in either safety, quality or other regulatory compliance. Click here to see the full job description and to apply.
What Will COVID-19 Vaccination Availability Mean for the Warehouse & Logistics Industry?
BackgroundIn December, the FDA gave Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) for two COVID-19 vaccines, each requiring two doses to be administered several weeks apart.[1] CDC guidelines recommend that essential workers be vaccinated during the first phase of the vaccination rollout. Indeed, many frontline healthcare workers have already received one or both doses of either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine during what …
ASW to Sponsor NACD Webinar
January 5, 2021ASW Global is sponsoring the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) annual Legislative and Regulatory Outlook webinar on January 28. NACD is an international association of chemical distributors and their supply-chain partners. Member companies process, formulate, blend, re-package, warehouse, transport, and market chemical products for over 750,000 customers. NACD’s member and affiliate companies represent more than 85% of …